Friday, 28 September 2018

Innovations in Exploration, Mining, and Processing

The three major components of mining (exploration, mining, and processing) overlap sometimes. After a mineral deposit has been identified through exploration, the industry must make a considerable investment in mine development before production starts. Farther exploration near the deposit and more development drilling within the deposit are done while the mining is processing. In-situ mining, which is a special case that combines aspects of mining and processing but does not require the excavation, comminution, and waste disposal steps. Innovatively combined the main components, such as when in-situ leaching of copper is undertaken after conventional mining has rubblized ore in underground block-caving operations.


Mineral exploration has been driven mostly by Modern technology. Many mineral discoveries can be attributed to geophysical and geochemical technologies developed by both industry and government. New technology, such as tomographic imaging is newly applied to mineral exploration. Basic geological sciences, geophysical and geochemical methods, and drilling technologies Research could improve the effectiveness and productiveness of mineral exploration. These fields sometimes overlap, and developments in one area are likely to cross-fertilize research and development in other areas.

Geological Methods:

Underlying physical and chemical processes of formation are common to many metallic and non-metallic ore deposits. A geologic database would be beneficial not only to the mining industry but also to environmental scientists.

Most of the metallic ore deposits are formed through the interaction of an aqueous fluid and host rocks. Along the fluid flow pathway through the Earth’s crust, the fluids encounter changes in physical or chemical conditions at some point. That causes the dissolved metals to precipitate. In research on ore deposits, the focus has traditionally been on the location of metal depositions, i.e., the ore deposit itself.

Geochemical and Geophysical Methods:

Analyzing the soil, rock, water, vegetation, and vapor the Surface geochemical prospecting is involved. For example mercury and hydrocarbons in soil gas, for trace amounts of metals or other elements that may indicate the presence of a buried ore deposit.

In the discovery of numerous mineral deposits, geochemical techniques have played a key role, and they continue to be a standard method of exploration.

Saturday, 22 September 2018

Revolutionary technique for the rapid on-site detection and quantification of petroleum hydrocarbons

The technique implies that the presence of hydrocarbons would now be able to be evaluated basically by utilizing a hand-held infrared spectrometer to take readings at the site of enthusiasm, without the need to take tests or perform any sort of preparing.

The strategy could be utilized for oil exploration purposes. It will likewise be especially helpful in evaluating and observing contaminated sites, for example, coastal land following off-shore oil slicks and mechanical locales got ready for urban redevelopment. Oil hydrocarbons are a significant asset, however can likewise be really frightful ecological contaminants. They can stay in the earth for expanded timeframes and can be destructive to wildlife, plants and people. Better apparatuses to distinguish them make a fast reaction conceivable.

The method utilizes an infrared signal to identify the presence of oil hydrocarbons in tests. By differentiate, current strategies utilize inspecting and handling procedures that are work escalated, tedious, require sensitive equipment and are not appropriate to nearby on-site analysis. The capacity of this new procedure to quickly distinguish the presence of contaminants at the site can possibly give significant cost points of interest, as far as reduced testing costs and the avoidance of delays.

Quick examination enables prompt measures to be embraced to anticipate facilitate tainting or to constrain contaminant spread." A huge part of the time and money related costs associated with evaluating and remediating contaminated sites is devoured by checking and analysis. By diminishing investigation time and decreasing costs this new method can aid the quick and compelling distinguishing proof of oil and other oil based products in the earth, and additionally treatment and insurance of ecological resources threatened by petroleum contamination.

Conference sessions include Oil and Gas Technology, Oil and Gas Exploration and Production, Petroleum Geology and Geoscience, Drilling and Mining Engineering, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Bio Fuels Refining, Catalytic Cracking, Petroleum Distillation and Refining, Energy Conversion and Storage, Petro chemistry and Polymer Science, Catalysts for Heavy Oil Extraction, Chemical Applications in Oil and Gas, Recent Development in Oil and Gas Industries, Environmental hazards in oil and gas Industry, Entrepreneurs Investment Meet, On shore and off shore operations, Geophysical and Remote Sensing Techniques, Petroleum Engineering and Chemical Engineering, Innovations in Upstream and downstream operations, Nanotechnology Applications in Petroleum Refining.